So, what have I done...made skirts and dresses. Pictures? Here they are...
Three skirts for myself (Weekend Sewing Wrap Skirt, Favorite Things Bella Skirt, and self-drafted)
What other creative ventures have I had? They fall in the land of cooking. Anyone who has been to my house (or packed my house for a move) knows that I like cookbooks. I read them like books. They are interesting. I love them. I have lots of them. So, I decided that every week I'm going to pick a cookbook and cook five things from it. Week One was Yum-O: The Family Cookbook by Rachael Ray. Had good luck so far. I liked all five, Jed was neutral on only one.
I'm also trying to more cooking with Ali (my almost three year old). If you have a pre-reader who wants to cook and don't know about Pretend Soup and Salad People, go look them up right now. Ali loves them. The idea is great too. Both of these books (By Mollie Katzen) has the recipe not only in "normal" format (for the adults) but in pictures for the kids. Ali really feels like she is cooking and I am just helping. If you have a reader who wants to cook Katzen also has a cookbook called Honest Pretzels which is also great.
So, there you have it. That is what I've been doing. I'm now off to put together some puzzles (the 24 piece variety)