My other projects, in no particular order...
A tunic shirt for my daughter. She picked out the fabric and was very proud of that fact. She wore it to church last Wednesday and told everyone that she had picked it out.
The project that is currently waiting for me. The pieces are all cut out, I just need to start the sewing. I'm making the version on the live model.
A gift bag for a present. Now that I know how to makes this, I may never use wrapping paper again! (Well, not true, but you know what I mean). These bags are so fast and easy and the person getting the gift can use the bag for whatever that want!
I also made some camo PJ's for my husband, but I haven't snagged a picture of them yet. I'm trying to decide what to make for my son (he's only five months, but I don't want him to be left out). I thinking some blocks, or the ball in "Seams to Me". Right now, that is on the top of my list for him.