In other sewing news...
I made this backpack for our friend "B" who turned two. No pattern used, but nothing fancy either. His sister was the recipient of the purse in the post below.
A dress for Ali:
A taggie blanket for Sy:
I have been looking through my copy of Weekend Sewing (part of my mother's day gift) and attempted to make the wrap skirt. The skirt is cut, and I learned about french seams (which I really like, by the way) but I'm glad that I made a muslim first. The skirt is way too small and will be refashioned into something else (either an apron or some other thing that I haven't decided yet)
Also, I'm trying to come up with good ideas for the creative activities for my MOPS group next year. If anyone stumbles across this blog and has any great ideas, please let me know!
Aw, they all turned out so cute! Love that pic of Sy! For Creative Activities, you have to check out this link:
She was a MOPS creative activities coordinator for 4 years and shares all her crafts!
What a great idea! I'll have to remember this one for next year. I love your creations! Maybe some day us sewing camp chicks can get together for a sewing weekend.
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